Would you like to get paid to help people enjoy themselves?
Hospitality and tourism workers help people enjoy vacations and entertainment activities. You might work at a restaurant, resort, sports arena, theme park, museum, spa or salon, campground or hotel. For example, you might manage operations of a college cafeteria, guide high school students on a trip to Spain, or rent equipment at a recreation center.
Popular Hospitality & Recreation Careers
Hobbies & Activities related to this industry:
- DECA (Marketing association)
- Junior Achievement
- Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Business Professionals of America (BPA)
- 4-H
- Join a committee to plan an event.
- Join a world language club or conversation circle.
- Help local businesses cater events within the community.
- Work as a student assistant in the school lunch program.
- Plan and cook meals for family, friends, or neighborhood events.
- Take a part-time job in a restaurant, amusement center, or hotel.
- Plan a family vacation.
Source: Minnesota CAREERwise
Hospitality & Recreation Resources
▪ Hospitality & Recreation careers
▪ Industries in Hospitality & Recreation
▪ Majors in Hospitality & Recreation
▪ Military options in Hospitality & Recreation
Industry Partner
Language Enhances Every Career
Overview of Hospitality & Recreation Industry (Nebraska Career Clusters)
Tourism (US Careers Online)